Synchronicity: new episodes
I know, this blog should be updated more often, or just regularly, but give me some more time, I'm in the middle of a project that needs to be closed in a couple of weeks.
In the meanwhile, a quick search in the blogsphere popped out three synchronicity facts in three (very) different blogs.
The first one is on Maverick Philosopher, where the author tells us about the coming back of an article published thirthee years before just in time for a synchronistic relation with a request he had just finished writing a new article by the same name.
The second episode is from U.F.O. Bits, and is about the synchronistic relation between a passing thought and a Web page found just thereafter, describing an incredibly similar concept.
The third synchronistic occurrence is from Investor's Diary, and tells about personal life episodes and movies coming out of the blue that have a clear relation to the author's situation.
In the meanwhile, a quick search in the blogsphere popped out three synchronicity facts in three (very) different blogs.
The first one is on Maverick Philosopher, where the author tells us about the coming back of an article published thirthee years before just in time for a synchronistic relation with a request he had just finished writing a new article by the same name.
The second episode is from U.F.O. Bits, and is about the synchronistic relation between a passing thought and a Web page found just thereafter, describing an incredibly similar concept.
The third synchronistic occurrence is from Investor's Diary, and tells about personal life episodes and movies coming out of the blue that have a clear relation to the author's situation.